The SYNERGY Social Club VIP membership is vetted, exclusively for like-minded professional leaders and business owners who are serious about finding their love partner.
We are pleased that you wish to be considered for the VIP membership, please take a few moments to answer these questions.
The Synergy Social Club exists to support it's members and provide experiences that meet member needs. We'd like to hear...
To more easily find your birthday, first click on the year to see a list, then slide to the correct month and choose the day.
Because we are a group focused on helping you meet quality people who are serious about finding your life partner. Tell us...
Click here for response options
Our members are professionals who work in a variety of industries...
... and in all sorts of ways, such as doctors, teachers, engineers, lawyers, so we're curious
Professionals come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, and sometimes our income suggests areas interest or focus in our business. We like to ensure that guest speakers and the activities planned are on the right track for you, so please let us know in general...
Sometimes members have unusual or intriguing hobbies that may be of interest to the group. At least one of our members is interested in learning to fly! Do you have something curious to share?
Many times our members know of others who can benefit from the events, activities and amazing people in our club, so do you know...
Thank you! We appreciate your time in completing this application. If this is a good fit, you'll receive a message with a calendar link, so you can book a Clarity Call to have a conversation, answer your questions and receive details about the next club VIP activity or meeting. We hope to talk to you soon.